Those suffering from addiction do not usually intend to become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Sadly, substance abuse can make us do things we normally wouldn’t do. Addiction can occur quickly, and when it does it is difficult to recover from. For people suffering from substance abuse, honesty about addiction can be hard to swallow. Here are some key reasons as to why honesty is important to recovery.
Dishonesty Can be A Trigger
Dishonesty can serve as a way to keep an addiction a secret. The pursuit of getting a drink or taking a drug without any accountability can motivate dishonesty. However, when it comes to recovery, honesty is critical.
Dishonesty can become a habit that is not easy to break out of. It can hinder recovery and cause trust issues with family members and friends. Those suffering from addiction can find that enrolling in a recovery program can help make the switch from dishonesty to honesty a little bit easier.
Lies can sometimes lead to relapse. Owning up to dishonesty isn’t an easy task. However, embracing the truth is one of the key elements of sustained recovery.
Being Dishonest Can Make You Feel Trapped
Suffering from an addiction can make it hard to trust that recovery is possible. This can cause denial. In order to make progress in recovery, it is important to realize that there is a problem. Denial can make those suffering from substance abuse feel trapped within their addiction. Honesty is the way to gain freedom from the feelings of being trapped.
Dishonesty Can Destroy Relationships
If there is one thing that every relationship thrives on, it’s honesty. Honesty is what helps build trust in any kind of relationship, whether it’s a family member, friend or therapist. Dishonesty can break that trust, as well as any progress to recovery.
Healthy relationships fuel lasting recovery. In order to sustain healthy relationships, trust must be established.
Being Honest Can Be A Challenge
Honesty is not always the easiest path to take. It is easy to be dishonest about addiction. Establishing trust can be a real challenge for families and friends of people struggling with addiction.
There are many ways to change dishonest behavior into behavior that is truthful, healthy, and constructive. Taking part in a recovery program and leaning on support groups who are invested in lifelong recovery is a great place to start.