Alright, so maybe your drinking has gotten “out of hand,” and your family members are recommending you go to a treatment center, but you don’t know what to expect. Or perhaps it’s your third time trying to get clean, but you can’t seem to beat your addiction and stay sober for longer than one month. The journey to recovery looks like an impossible feat to you.
There are plenty of reasons to be afraid of going to an addiction rehabilitation center (or going back to rehab). Some involve the fear of the unknown, while other peoples’ hesitation stems from their fear of failure. If you’re scared of going to rehab, you aren’t alone. But we’ll say this: there are far more reasons to be scared of not going to rehab, then there are reasons to be afraid of going. Make sense?

A few common fears, in particular, tend to keep people from entering rehab. We want to ease those fears for you, because (trust us), addiction treatment is worth it! Here, we’ll address some frequent concerns that people often have about going to rehab and offer you some tangible solutions!
Fear 1: I Don’t Want To Go Through Withdrawal
We get it. Withdrawal is, well, terrible for many people suffering from a substance abuse issue. But trust us: it gets easier. And a treatment program specializing in the detox process (like Hotel California by the Sea), is prepared to make it psychologically and physically easier on clients to get through withdrawal.
Plus, the medical staff in our medical detoxification program for drugs and alcohol are trained and prepared to offer you comfort, healing, and medical assistance and 24/7.
To help alleviate withdrawal symptoms and prevent any dangerous consequences of kicking your addiction, our medical professionals may prescribe certain detox medications.
This way, you can feel safe from withdrawal and break free from active addiction.
With a controlled withdrawal process, clients are kept safe in their rehab center. They are less likely to want to use drugs to alleviate any uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.
Fear 2: I Will Fail
A common thought between people who have previously relapsed on their drug of choice is the fear of failure. Unfortunately, this fear tends to keep people who have relapsed using drugs and drinking. People who relapse on their drug of choice tend to feel defeated, hopeless, and unsure of whether anything will help them stay sober. And for many people, this prevents them from seeking help. Just because you relapsed once, doesn’t mean you’ll relapse again. Maybe last time you didn’t have enough support, or perhaps you didn’t take full advantage of the support network you had.
Hotel California by the Sea can help you identify your triggers for relapsing and prevent relapsing on your drug of choice in the future.

Fear 3: I Will Succeed
On the contrary, many addicts and alcoholics thinking about the recovery process are also scared to succeed. Sounds weird, right? Perhaps surprisingly, this fear is pretty standard. The fear of success isn’t always conscious. Instead, it’s often a subconscious effort by your brain to keep you comfortable.
The fear of success holds you back and keeps you cycling through the same patterns again and again. If you seek long term recovery from drugs and alcohol, it’s likely that you’ll find success in many areas of your life. This might be new. This might be scary. But a robust support network and recovery community will help you walk through each life transition. You just have to stay connected!
The remarkable thing about sobriety is that, when you’re faced with significant life changes, you have an entire community that you can turn to for support. Inpatient drug rehab offers the highest level of support for addicts and alcoholics in early recovery.
Fear 4: I Don’t Have The Time
We hear this a lot.
Executives don’t have time to take a break from work, fearing their company will fall apart without them.
Parents worry that their children won’t make it to every extracurricular activity while they’re away.
Students might fear their school will refuse their re-admittance when they return from rehab.
These are entirely valid fears, but they aren’t ones you can’t solve.
If you’re in a position where you’re considering going to rehab, there’s a chance you may lose these things later on, anyway. If you don’t address your addiction now, it’s almost sure that you’ll lose the things most important to you in the future. Why not address your substance use disorder now?
If you don’t address your addiction now, it will be more difficult to address later on. Sometimes, it’s necessary to invest time and resources now to save your time and resources later.
Fear 5: I’m Not Like Other Recovering Addicts
Here’s a possibility: you think you’re different.
You might not think you’re an alcoholic because you only drink beer and wine. You might believe you don’t have a substance use disorder because you don’t meet every single disease criterion.
Believing your problem is different than others’ substance abuse problems can keep you from getting the help you need. Every addict is unique and may require an alternate “recipe” of treatment methods than you do. However, don’t let your perception of separateness leave you in need of help. To understand addiction, you have to remember that everyone has more in common with the person next to him than they probably have different/
Fear 6: I Don’t Have Enough Money For Rehab
This fear is one of the most common concerns we watch clients battle before choosing to admit into our care.
Since this issue is common, many rehabs, like ours, accept many types of insurance and offer payment plans to clients and their families. There are other options, too, like the possibility of scholarships from third parties.

Find out if your insurance covers rehab in just a few minutes. VERIFY INSURANCE COVERAGE
Fear 7: I Will Look Bad
There’s no room for pride in the realm of recovery. To get better, you have to be completely honest with yourself and the people you love. This means getting vulnerable and – yes – sometimes you won’t look “perfect.”
Recovery isn’t about making yourself look better – it’s about getting better. The rest comes naturally when you focus on being completely honest with other people. People who understand the disease of addiction know that it is, indeed, a brain disease, and will have no judgment. You didn’t mean to get addicted to drugs or alcohol, just as anyone else didn’t intend to get a disease.
Rehab won’t make you look “bad”, it’ll make you look brave – because you are.

Drugs and drinks don’t need to dictate your life any longer. Are you ready to feel real freedom again?