Can you Snort Kratom?

Kratom. Kratom is a substance derived from a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, that can produce both sedative and stimulant effects. Kratom contains two major ingredients: mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. Kratom often comes in a powder form. For recreational users, powder substances are often snorted. Can you snort Kratom? Yes, you can snort Kratom. Although, snorting Kratom is not a common practice. Similar to snorting other mind-altering substances, It can also increase the risk of dependency, overdose, addiction and death.

Green kratom powder in a small wooden bowl ready for users as they attempt to snort kratom.

At low doses, Kratom can increase alertness, physical energy and talkativeness. At higher doses, Kratom can create opioid and sedative-like effects. Higher doses can also put users at risk for hallucinations, delusions, and addiction. In other words, Kratom has the ability to produce feelings of anxiety as well as pain-relieving euphoric effects. One of its off-label uses is to help manage opioid withdrawal symptoms, despite very little clinical support that it can improve symptoms.

Kratom is not a controlled substance but it has been labeled by the DEA as a Drug and Chemical of Concern. There is no approved medical usage for this substance in the U.S. This means there is no federal regulation in place and policies on the substance will vary from state to state. It is mostly sold through online retailers where there are very little policies and regulations on the substance. This means unknown ingredients can be added to any Kratom product and produce unknown effects. There is still very little research and clinical studies on this substance. But that has not stopped users from snorting the drug in search of a greater and more intense euphoria.

Can you snort Kratom?

Snorting Kratom is very uncommon. However, there is a significantly higher chance of snorting drugs like Kratom in those who have previously abused opioids and other substances, have a history of abusing depressants or are looking to achieve some sort of high. However, for these types of users, snorting Kratom will rarely produce the desired high due to their tolerance for high doses of opioids and other drugs.

One reason why Kratom is rarely snorted is because Kratom has high amounts of plant fiber cellulose. The plant fibers do not contribute to the effects of the drug and can in fact hinder the intensity of the sedative or stimulant effects. Because of this, in order for the user to experience the desired effects, they will have to continuously snort very large doses of Kratom. Kratom can remain in the system for several hours. Snorting an excessive amount in an attempt to achieve a high will cause a toxic build-up and put the user at risk for overdose. Snorting is seen as inefficient in achieving any noticeable results. It is considered impractical and risky and is often compared to snorting caffeine because it produces very little value compared to snorting other mind-altering substances.

Infograph describing different kratom withdrawal symptoms.

Side Effects of Snorting Kratom

  • Nosebleeds
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nose and throat irritation
  • Nasal blockage
  • Nasal inflammation
  • Damage to mucous membranes that can be irritated by the plant fiber cellulose from the Kratom powder
  • Damage to the nasal cavity
  • Risk for sinus infections
  • Respiratory tract infection
  • Blood clots in the lungs which can lead to pulmonary embolisms
  • Increased risk of cancer and lung disease
  • Hallucinations
  • Anxiety and aggressive behavior
  • Insomnia
  • Tremors and seizures
  • Lung damage – Kratom leaves have a high tar content when snorted and ingested, the chemicals are released into the lungs

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Why do people snort substances?

People who snort substances typically snort them because it’s the quickest way to achieve an intense high. Snorting typically allows the drugs to enter directly into the bloodstream producing a faster onset of effects. When taking a drug orally, the substance must pass through and be digested by the stomach and intestines first before it can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Snorting the drug skips this longer process and allows the effects of the drug to take on almost immediately and at a more intense rate.

When drugs are snorted the substance will coat the soft tissues of the nose and get immediately absorbed into the bloodstream. The blood then travels into the lungs. The lungs bring oxygen to other parts of the bloodstream. Then that blood is sent out to the heart, which then pumps out to the brain and the rest of the organs in the body.

Sometimes snorting drugs is also a preferred method of administration because it is the easiest. Snorting does not require many if any tools. There are many types of drugs that are more typically snorted. These include illicit drugs such as cocaine and heroin, and prescription medications such as Adderall and Xanax. These substances come in powder form or are crushed up and snorted.

Dangers of snorting drugs

  • Damage to the nose – The human nose is not designed to snort any sort of powder. When it does, it can lead to inflammation of the nasal lining.
  • Septum perforation
  • Immune suppression
  • Transmission of disease
  • Prolonged harm to nasal passages, throat and upper respiratory tract – Powders are particle materials that often carry additional material mixed into the drug. When snorting or inhaling these particle materials, it can cause further harm and deterioration to the respiratory structure.
  • Can cause loss of smell due to constant nasal damage from snorting
  • Can cause nose bleeds
  • Can cause problems with swallowing
  • Sinusitis
  • Can lead to erratic behaviors, paranoia and anxiety
  • Can cause increased body temperature, elevated heart rate and blood pressure
  • Can increase the risk of addiction and overdose

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Do you have a Substance Use Disorder?

Kratom is a substance with traits of both central nervous system depressants and stimulants, depending on the dosage of the drug. Most commonly found in powder form, some users snort Kratom in an attempt to achieve a quicker and more intense high. Despite the popularity of snorting drugs, snorting Kratom is one of the most dangerous methods of taking the drug and can cause damaging long-term effects. Unfortunately, due to the nature and composition of Kratom, it would take snorting a very large amount to achieve even a slight euphoric effect from the drug. Snorting Kratom allows the drug to quickly break the blood-brain barrier and can lead to both psychological and physiological dependence.

Users who have become dependent on the drug are at risk for developing a substance addiction. Behavioral health treatment programs such as Hotel California by the Sea provide clinically proven methods to help clients overcome their substance addiction to Kratom. We offer all levels of care including medical detox, inpatient residential treatment, partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programs. Clients will also have access to evidence-proven treatment methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR therapy and marriage and family therapy. Hotel California by the Sea is committed to a well-rounded approach to treatment by assessing every aspect of addiction. Our personalized treatment care plans will help clients better understand every aspect of their recovery, physically, emotionally and psychologically.
