The dangers of CBD Vape pens and THC Vape pens

Vaping has become increasingly popular over the past years. Vaping is the act of smoking and inhaling through an electronic cigarette or e-cigarette. Not only are people vaping traditional nicotine, but they are also using e-cigarettes to vape CBD and THC. Both CBD vape pens and THC vape pens are very popular among teens and young people. In recent studies, an estimated 82% of users vaped products that contained THC, while 33% exclusively vaped marijuana cannabinoids.

A young person is holding up a CBD vape pen in front of marijuana plants.

According to the CDC, vaping any substance is not safe. However, that has not stopped people from engaging in vaping nicotine and other mind-altering substances. E-cigarettes, also known as vape pens, are a popular way of using CBD and THC. Vaping involves heating an oil substance that can then produce a vapor that is inhaled by the user. Despite its popularity, today, there are no federal regulations on this industry making it dangerous for all users who face the risk of ingesting other unknown substances in unknown amounts.

Types of Marijuana Vape Pens

  • Disposable Vape Pens are e-cigarettes that are prefilled with cannabis oil (CBD or THC) and once used up are discarded.
  • Refillable Vape Pens are e-cigarettes with a rechargeable battery and allow the user to refill the liquid or oil cartridge.
  • Dry Herb Vape Pens are e-cigarettes that have a heating chamber that the user can fill up with dry marijuana flowers rather than oil. The chamber will then heat up the substance below combustion level to produce a vaper that is inhaled.
  • Dual Use Vape Pens are e-cigarettes that have both a heating chamber for dry substances as well as a cartridge compartment for oil substances.
  • Dab Pens are e-cigarettes that contain a coiled heating element that vaporizes oil.

What is CBD and what is a CBD Vape Pen?

CBD is a naturally occurring cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant. It is extracted from the flowers and buds of cannabis or hemp plants. In 2018, the Farm Bill was passed and removed CBD from the definition of marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act. Since then, the FDA has only approved one CBD-based medication called Epidiolex. This medication is an oral solution used to treat seizures associated with a rare form of epilepsy. CBD does not produce a high and is often used to aid in pain relief, anti-inflammation and other holistic remedies. CBD produces feelings of calm and is often used to treat symptoms of anxiety, epileptic seizures and sleeplessness.

CBD oil is a cannabinoid extra that can be dissolved in an oil carrier. CBD oils can be consumed orally, applied topically, added to food or drinks and are also used in marijuana vape pens. A CBD vape pen will contain CBD extract along with other unknown substances to produce feelings of calm and relaxation. 

Infograph showing the health risks of vaping CBD.

What is THC and what is a THC Vape Pen?

THC is another cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant. It is the main psychoactive compound found in marijuana and the substance that produces intoxicating effects often sought after by users who abuse marijuana and use it recreationally. THC can also impact a user’s mood, behaviors and other feelings. A THC vape pen will contain THC oil that is heated up and creates a vapor that is inhaled and produces psychedelic side effects associated with smoking marijuana and cannabis.

Harmful chemicals and ingredients in Vape Oils

When you vape in general, you can ingest much more than just CBD or THC oil. Oftentimes, the products are mixed in with other chemicals, flavoring or nicotine.

  • Heavy metals. The tiny coils that help to heat up and vaporize the oil can break down over time and find their way into the vapors that are being inhaled into our lungs.
  • Carcinogenic compounds. These cancer-causing compounds can be released into the vapors when the oil is heated up.
  • Ultrafine particulates. These tiny particles can be inhaled and travel deep into the lung causing all kinds of organ irritation and inflammation.
  • Flavoring. The flavorings added to create a more pleasurable experience are full of irritant chemicals that are harmful to our lungs.
  • Nicotine
  • Vitamin E Acetate

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Risks of Vaping Cannabis Oils

The dangers of vaping cannabinoids aren’t as well documented as studies looking into vaping nicotine. Despite limited studies on vaping in general, both the CDC and FDA have recommended avoiding all types of e-cigarette consumption including vaping products that contain CBD and THC.

There is very little regulation in the marijuana and cannabis industry. Because of this, when consumers purchase products, they are putting themselves at risk of purchasing counterfeit or dangerously laced products that can result in dangerous side effects and unpredictable outcomes.

In 2019, the U.S. experienced a severe breakout of lung diseases from vaping due to the added chemicals in marijuana vape pens. These cases of e-cigarette harm due to the chemical vitamin E acetate are known as e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury (EVALI). According to the CDC, an outbreak of an estimated 3000 cases of lung illnesses were linked to vaping products. The public health crisis was so serious, it even sent young and otherwise healthy people to the hospital.

From March 2019 to February 2020, data shows an estimated 70 deaths caused by lung injury were due to the consequences of vaping. And at least 26 of all EVALI hospitalized cases were associated with vaping CBD or THC.

Vaping THC or CBD can cause increased risk to the following conditions:

  • Lung Injury – vaping irritates the inner lining of the lungs and impairs the ability of blood vessels to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide keeps the blood vessels on the inner lining, relaxed and helps to reduce blood pressure.
  • Popcorn lung – bronchiolitis obliterans, which is a build up of scar tissue in the lungs that blocks airflow and makes it difficult to breathe, shortness of breath and coughing.
  • Increased risk for cognitive impairment
  • Risk of dependence and addiction to THC and CBD
  • Psychiatric symptoms
  • Coordination issues
  • Distorted sense
  • Increased anxiety
  • Increased heart rate and other cardiovascular conditions. Vaping can damage blood vessels which increases the risk of heart disease.
  • Issues with attention, memory and learning
  • Paranoia
  • Marijuana induced psychosis
  • Risk of chronic cough
  • Risk of schizophrenia
  • Compromised immune health
  • Risks of cancer

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Do you have a problem with Vaping?

Vaping any substance, especially CBD or THC, can cause harm to your lungs and other organs. According to a study from the Journal of the American Association, data found that even first-time and infrequent users of marijuana vapes were more likely to experience adverse reactions from vaping cannabinoid oils. Some people may think vaping THC or CBD is a safer alternative to smoking. However, vaping can lead to increased exposure to carcinogens and a greater risk of lung damage and injury. Vaping can also lead to a higher risk of addiction to cannabis and its psychoactive effects. Hotel California by the Sea is a behavioral health program that provides clients with the tools and resources they need to break their addiction to mind-altering substances.

We provide 24/7 supervised medical detox, inpatient residential treatment, partial hospitalization programming and intensive outpatient programming. Our clients will participate in rigorous treatments such as CBT, DBT and EMDR therapy. At Hotel California by the Sea, we provide a well-rounded approach to overcoming addiction and utilize medical and therapeutic tools to help our clients overcome their addictions.
