The relationship between Adderall and Working Out

Adderall, a popular psychostimulant, is used as a long-term treatment for symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is a safe and effective treatment when taken as prescribed by a medical provider. However, some populations have begun using the drug recreationally for purposes outside of treating ADHD. Adderall contains some of the same chemical compounds as weight loss aids and pre-workout supplements. Because of this, some people have begun using Adderall to help them work out. Adderall and working out have a very complicated relationship that can cause adverse side effects and can be dangerous.

A group of men and women in a fitness class using Adderall to help them improve their physical abilities to get stronger at the gym.

Exercising is extremely beneficial both physically and psychologically. It can help improve memory, enhance learning, improve mood and can help prevent or delay the onset of disease. Physical exercise is important to overall health. However, some people have taken it upon themselves to find a shortcut or boost to working out and more quickly gain progress without putting in the most effort. This includes using Adderall as a physical health enhancement.

Adderall Abuse

Adderall is comprised of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Both of these chemicals impact the central nervous system and influence functions related to hyperactivity and impulse control. Adderall works by increasing the activity of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. In those who suffer from ADHD, Adderall helps them to focus and control behaviors of hyperactivity.

The prescription stimulant drug has become popular among young people with studies finding that an estimated 30% of undergraduate college students are using the stimulant non-medically. Young people find it helps give them an edge in their academics, allowing them to focus more and study for longer hours without feeling fatigued. Not only are young people using Adderall to help them get ahead intellectually, but they are now using it as a shortcut to physical gains and getting bigger and stronger in a shorter period of time.

Infograph with tips on how to safely exercise while on Adderall.

Adderall and Working Out

Adderall’s effects on physical performance are dependent on the dose of the drug. Smaller doses taken before working out can potentially increase energy levels and improve performance. But, larger doses can produce detrimental effects associated with the drug increase. The most dangerous ones are tolerance, dependence and addiction.

Adderall is moving from the classroom to the athletic world. It is also known as the “quiet performance enhancer that no one really talks about.” In the fitness community, many people say Adderall as a pre-workout boost can help improve the quality of their workout. Many are now turning to the drug to help boost their athletic performance because it can help mask feelings of fatigue often felt during intense exercise. With Adderall, fatigue is still felt by the user. But its intensity is reduced making the user feel like they can continue more and harder. It allows athletes to perform at higher levels and for a longer duration of time without resting. This could be an advantage for those who are looking to gain top physical performance.

All kinds of athletes take Adderall to improve their performance: soccer players, basketball players and baseball players. Users of Adderall for performance enhancement take it because they want an edge over their competition and some use it because they want to look like the physical ideal standard.

Some examples of athletes using Adderall:

  • A runner who takes the drug before stepping onto the treadmill to improve speed and endurance.
  • A bodybuilder uses the drug to help them lift heavier weights and grow stronger muscles.
  • In fact, a study found that the number of pro baseball players who have been diagnosed with ADHD increased to 8% within a year. This suggests that players were simply seeking the medical diagnosis in order to take the drug to help enhance their athletic performance without being subject to the drug ban.

Advocates for Working Out on Adderall

People who advocate for working out on Adderall say it helps to improve their endurance at the gym, enhances their cardio workouts and helps to increase focus and mental clarity during their workouts. Some call it cognitive doping. Some personal trainers have also noticed an increase in the use of ADHD medications like Adderall in their clients. Today fitness and exercise programs are designed to push harder and faster requiring users to not only perform physically but mentally as well. In order to keep up, users turn to substances such as Adderall to boost their overall performance.

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Adverse Side Effects of Using Adderall to Exercise

  • Seizures
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Cardiovascular problems – increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, heart attack, stroke
  • Insomnia – People need enough sleep and rest in order to help the body rebuild and strengthen muscle. Without proper sleep and rest, the body cannot produce the growth hormone that helps the body recover from intense workouts.
  • Psychosis
  • Paranoia
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Tolerance, dependence, addiction and withdrawal
  • Appetite suppression – An adequate amount of calories and food should be consumed in order to have energy and build muscle mass. When appetite is suppressed, it can be difficult for users to intake enough food and nutrition in order to get stronger. The medication itself does not promote muscle growth and is actually counterproductive in that aspect.
  • Risk of overtraining and overstimulation – Adderall reduces the feelings of fatigue. Your brain and your body are not in sync. You may be overtraining which can lead to injuries if you push too hard despite not feeling like you are due to the effects of the medication. Adderall tricks you into thinking you have more energy than you actually do. This leads to physical exhaustion and physical injuries.
  • Decreased muscle control – This can lead to muscle twitches and muscle spasms that can affect your workouts. Irregular and involuntary muscle contractions can increase the risk of injury and the ability to exercise efficiently.

Safety tips for working out while taking Adderall

In general, it is not recommended to engage in high-intensity exercise while taking a large dose of Adderall. While general exercise is always encouraged to help ease the symptoms of all physical and mental illnesses, there are some exceptions, which can lead to dangerous consequences. When taking Adderall to treat symptoms of ADHD, low doses can be safe for working out. However, there are those who abuse the substance, take it as a physical enhancer and can develop a tolerance for the drug. They end up taking a higher and higher dose in order the feel the same effects.

  • Stay hydrated
  • Keep an eye on your heart rate
  • Schedule your workouts carefully and don’t over-exhaust yourself
  • Listen to your body
  • Check your blood pressure
  • Maintain proper diet and nutrition
  • Avoid caffeine and other stimulant substances
  • Discuss your dose of Adderall with your medical provider
  • Be aware of the signs of an Adderall addiction

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Do you have an addiction to Adderall?

Because Adderall has the ability to produce energy, focus and mental clarity, it is often abused to help improve a person’s physical abilities. Athletes and others who regularly exercise have found it can help them improve their physical performance and often use the drug as a pre-workout. Why not use a different type of stimulant like caffeine? Some users say Adderall is stronger, takes into effect much quicker, and is the preferred substance for performance enhancements. However, over time, users will need higher doses in order to feel the same effects. Higher doses will lead to tolerance and dependence. Once dependence has developed, users can also experience withdrawal symptoms when they cut or drastically reduce drug dosage.

Hotel California by the Sea is a behavioral health treatment program that specializes in the treatment of those who have become dependent and addicted to drugs such as prescription stimulant medications like Adderall. We provide all levels of care including detox, residential, and outpatient programs. We utilize effective evidence-based treatment methods such as CBT, DBT and EMDR therapy. Hotel California by the Sea is dedicated to helping all of our clients overcome their addictions and live a life of happiness and sobriety.
