What is Online Rehab?

Online rehab, telehealth and telemedicine services have grown and evolved significantly since the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. These types of virtual and digital health services were created to better serve patients with their medical needs. Since 2020, there has been a growing number of online rehab and online therapy treatments available for those in need of help with substance use disorder. It has become a way for millions of people to connect with medical providers and access mental health and behavioral health care with more convenience and ease.

A young women with glasses sitting on the sofa on her laptop engaging in online rehab therapy in the comforts of her home.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine and telehealth treatments for treating substance use disorders were very limited. It consisted simply of text message reminders about appointments and basic digital screenings of medical history. It was used more as a motivational and supplemental tool for helping patients.

Telehealth, telemedicine and online therapy really began to take off during the pandemic, allowing patients access to care while still being safe amid a disease outbreak. According to a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in December of 2021, telehealth visits increased from an estimated 840,000 in 2019 to 52.7 million in 2020. And behavioral health specialists such as those who help treat patients with substance use disorder and alcohol addiction, accounted for the highest rate of telehealth use.

A 2022 study found that telehealth appointments were very beneficial for patients receiving treatment for substance misuse. Online rehab outlets allow providers and patients to address all the issues that are addressed in traditional in-person sessions and can be great for those who are diagnosed with co-occurring mental health disorders. Some examples of popular online rehab and online therapy platforms for substance addiction include Talkspace, Monument, Online-Therapy.com and Zocdoc.

What are Telehealth Services?

Telemedicine services were originally created to help provide patient care to those in remote and rural communities where specialized medical care was not available and not easily accessible. Today telehealth and online rehab services involve using digital technology to deliver healthcare services by removing the need for travel. Telephone-based services, video chat and conferencing and text messaging services are all examples of telehealth. Telehealth also encompasses many types of virtual care such as online therapy, online support groups, web-based treatment, telemedicine and various aspects of outpatient programming.

Other examples of virtual health care include patient portals, where medical providers and patients can interact online, offer digital care management, and help keep track of medical history along with schedules and appointments. This information can be easily accessed through the web at the convenience of the patient.

Some patients opt for virtual appointments. Video conferencing or telephone conferencing can be used to deliver treatment or even individual counseling. This may be beneficial for patients with less severe conditions or patients simply in need of routine health care maintenance.

Online rehab or online addiction therapy treatments have also become widely available through digital options. This type of treatment can help break down barriers such as geographical distance of going to treatment and address the stigma behind mental health disorders. Some patients often feel ashamed of their condition and allowing them to get treatment from the comforts of their own home can be beneficial for healing.

Infograph sharing information about the benefits and drawbacks of online rehab.

Benefits of Online Rehab and Telemedicine Services

  • Accessibility – Eliminating the need for travel opens up services for those in rural areas who do not have access to specialty medical services. It can also be beneficial for those who live far away, do not have reliable means of transportation or have mobility issues. Those who feel stigmatized about their condition can also access treatment in the comforts of their own home.
  • Convenience and Availability – Online rehab can be great for people who have commitments to full-time jobs and find it more difficult to attend in-person therapy sessions. Online rehab allows them to receive care at their own convenience, sometimes without needing to call off work allowing them to work around their own schedule. The need for travel is eliminated, making attending treatment more convenient and likely to happen.
  • De-stigmatization – Online rehab helps to de-stigmatize mental health and behavioral health conditions such as substance use disorder and alcohol addiction. It adds a layer of privacy for patients where they can be more discrete about getting help and treatment.
  • Costs – Sometimes the cost of online rehab and telehealth services can cost less than traditional in-person treatment. Many telehealth services are covered by insurance depending on where you live and your individual policy.
  • Accountability – Rather than missing or avoiding therapy, receiving text message reminders and motivations can help keep participation rates consistent for people in treatment. This type of accountability can be beneficial for those who are struggling with co-occurring mental health disorders.
  • Similar Outcome – According to research, online rehab and telemedicine services were seen to produce similar results as in-person therapy and online cognitive behavioral therapy. According to the National Centers for Health and Research, online therapy can be just as effective in treating anxiety, depression and trauma.
  • Research has found that for those who utilized online rehab and therapy, it resulted in significant improvement over those who tried to quit drinking or drugs on their own.
  • Research found patients were more likely to stay on top of their medication-assisted treatments and had a lower risk of medically treated overdose when they engaged with and utilized telemedicine services.

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Drawbacks of Online Rehab and Telehealth

  • Online rehab may not be suitable for treating all types of medical conditions. The following types of mental and behavioral health disorders may need more than online therapy: suicidal thoughts, homicidal thoughts, severe substance use disorder, severe eating disorder, borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia. 
  • Lack of Privacy – Despite having treatment in the convenience of your own time and space, some people actually lack a private place to have important conversations and counseling. There may not be privacy in your home away from supposes or children. There may not be a space available in your office for you to take an online therapy session.
  • Lack of Connection – Some people find it more difficult to build connections and build trusting relationships with their healthcare provider through the phone or through video calls. They might prefer in-person interaction. In-person treatment also allows patients and providers the chance to understand non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and body language. Sometimes it can be difficult to pick up on the patient’s feedback through their tone of voice.
  • Lack of computer or digital knowledge – For older people, the lack of computer knowledge or even access to a computer could be a barrier to online rehab support. This generation may not be as tech-savvy as the younger generation. They are also less likely to know how to troubleshoot when there may be technical glitches with computers or devices.

Reach out to Hotel California by the Sea

We specialize in treating addiction and other co-occurring disorders, such as PTSD. Our Admissions specialists are available to walk you through the best options for treating your addiction.

Treatment for Substance Use Disorder and Alcohol Addiction

Having an addiction to drugs or alcohol can be exhausting, confusing, dangerous and lonely. Today there are many avenues of treatment to choose from that can best fit a user’s individual needs. Telemedicine, telehealth and online rehab have stepped up in medical innovation to help treat millions more people in need of behavioral health treatment. Hotel California by the Sea is a traditional behavioral health treatment program that unutilized varying aspects of technology to help treat those with drug addiction.

We offer detox, residential, PHP and IOP treatment. We also use evidence-proven treatment methods such as CBT, DBT, and group therapy to help our clients understand the root cause of their addiction and behavior. Hotel California by the Sea provides the support, tools and resources our clients need to lead a happier and healthier life in recovery.






