End Stage Alcoholism
End stage alcoholism is the final and often the most destructive and dangerous stage of alcoholism. By the time a person has reached end stage alcoholism, alcohol and drinking have taken over their lives negatively impacting their relationships with others, career, finances and overall well-being. Alcoholism is a progressive mental health disease that involves the excessive consumption of alcohol to the extent of causing physical, psychological and social harm to a person. Alcoholism is also referred to as having an alcohol use disorder. Alcohol use disorder contributes to an estimated 88,000 deaths annually in the U.S. alone. This makes it the third leading preventable cause of death in the nation.

Alcoholism is typically broken up into different stages of alcohol abuse from mild to severe. In some severe cases, it can take as little as two years to reach end stage alcoholism. After years of abuse, users will have developed various health conditions including mental health disorders, major organ damage and brain damage. At this point, trying to quit on their own or go cold turkey can lead to experiencing severe and life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. In serious cases of alcoholism, the safest way to detox is through a medically guided treatment program.
Signs you may have a drinking problem
- You have no control over your drinking habits
- You develop a tolerance for alcohol and need more in order to feel normal
- You develop alcohol cravings
- You experience physical withdrawal symptoms when you are not drinking alcohol
- You have engaged in harmful behavior caused by your drinking
- You continue using alcohol despite the negative consequences
- You are neglecting personal and professional obligations because of drinking

Stages of Alcohol Use Disorder
First stage of Alcohol Abuse. The first stage of alcohol abuse is often referred to as the social drinking stage. It is considered a non-threatening level of drinking which may not always lead to abuse. A user will typically consume a few drinks with friends and family during social gatherings and events.
Second stage of Alcohol Abuse. During the second stage, it is often referred to as binge drinking. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as patterns of drinking that can raise a person’s blood alcohol concentration to 0.08%, which is the limit of what is considered to be intoxication. In 2022, an estimated 61 billion Americans reported binge drinking. Binge drinking is also considered an early stage of alcohol abuse. Signs of early-stage alcoholism include developing a tolerance for alcohol, drinking to manage negative feelings, attempting to cut down on drinking, regularly drinking until intoxication, experiencing blackouts, being unable to control the amount of alcohol consumed and constant preoccupation with alcohol.
Third stage of Alcohol Abuse. The user is now in a heavy stage of drinking. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines heavy drinking as five or more drinks on any day or 15 or more drinks per week for men and four or more drinks on any day or eight or more drinks per week for women. During this middle stage of alcohol abuse, users will begin developing physical and psychological dependence on alcohol marked by increased frequency of drinking and early signs of alcohol withdrawal if drinking is abruptly stopped. Signs of middle-stage alcoholism include difficulty controlling drinking habits, physical dependence, being unable to function at work or at home due to alcohol use, developing frequent and risky behaviors, neglecting personal and professional responsibilities due to drinking and continuing to experience negative consequences from alcohol abuse.
Fourth stage of Alcohol Abuse. During this stage, alcohol dependency has now turned into alcohol use disorder. The user will be considered an alcoholic per the alcohol use disorder criteria from the DSM-5. This late stage of the disease occurs when the body has become so dependent on alcohol that it can no longer function normally without the presence of alcohol. It can result in significant physical and mental health problems. It can cause brain damage, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, and the development or exacerbation of anxiety and depression. Signs of late-stage alcoholism include alcohol cravings, alcohol tolerance and dependence, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, lack of control over drinking, continued drinking despite negative personal, social and health consequences, and the inability to cut back and give up on activities once loved.
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End Stage Alcoholism
End stage alcoholism is the final stage of alcoholism where a person experiences very severe health and mental issues, disability, and reduced life expectancy that could possibly end in death. During this stage, users will experience damage and deterioration of vital organs such as the liver, heart, kidney, pancreas and brain. Everything including relationships with friends and family may become less important than drinking, users can experience job loss and users can begin experiencing signs of paranoia.
Symptoms and Dangers of End Stage Alcoholism
- Liver damage – Cirrhosis, which over time can cause inflammation and scarring of liver tissue, jaundice, which is the yellowing of eyes and skin when the liver is unable to get rid of bilirubin, weakness because liver is unable to absorb and process nutrients. The liver is also responsible for breaking down hormones and other waste that gets stuck in liver and body causing liver failure.
- Cardiovascular damage – Heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, hypertension, alcoholic cardiomyopathy, damage to heart muscles and angina, which is caused by blockage in the coronary artery that provides oxygen to the heart muscle.
- Brain damage – Alcohol-related dementia can occur as a result of excess drinking and impacts learning, memory and other brain functions. Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome is another name for alcohol dementia. It occurs most frequently in end-stage alcoholism and largely goes unreported. It can happen when there is a shortage of vitamin B-1 in the brain. This can result in personality changes and difficulty with logical thinking. Symptoms also include confusion, memory loss, leg tremors, staggering, vision changes, and difficulty maintaining balance.
- Malnutrition – During alcoholism, users often replace foods containing essential nutrients and vitamins with alcohol. This can lead to appetite loss as well as interfering with the absorption, storage and metabolism of vital nutrients. This can result in anemia and low red blood cell count. Not receiving enough essential nutrients can also impact liver functions because the liver needs vitamins such as niacin, thiamine and other B vitamins to properly function.
- Pancreatitis – This disease can display no symptoms for many years until a sudden accumulated attack. An estimated 70-80% of chronic pancreatitis cases are due to alcohol abuse, which can lead to pain, weight loss, or diabetes.
- Cancer – Alcoholism has been clinically linked to various types of cancers including mouth, throat, esophagus, colon and breast cancer.
- Itchy skin
- Extreme fatigue
- Digestive issues
- Dermatological issues
- Fluid retention
- Involuntary rapid eye movement or paralysis of eye muscles
- Kidney damage
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Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcoholism is one of the most preventable diseases worldwide. For those who have developed a severe alcohol use disorder, they may be on at the final stages of the disease also known as end stage alcoholism. During this stage attempts to quit can cause serious and life-threatening symptoms. Recovery from end stage alcoholism can be a challenge, but it can be possible with the help of a professional behavioral treatment program. Hotel California by the Sea provides a specialized treatment track for those who are suffering from alcohol use disorder.
We offer treatment at all levels of care including detox, residential, PHP and IOP. We utilize evidence-based treatment methods including CBT, DBT, group therapy and family therapy. Hotel California by the Sea is dedicated to helping our clients achieve sobriety and overcoming their alcoholism.