ADD vs Anxiety Disorder. Which one is it?

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a brain disorder often linked to other mental health conditions such as anxiety disorder. It falls under the umbrella term of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly referred to as ADHD. Sometimes, they can present very similar symptoms and it can make it more difficult to differentiate between the two and properly diagnose a person. They are both very distinguished categories of mental health conditions, yet they also have quite a few overlapping symptoms.

A young woman wearing a blue shirt has her hands covering her face because she doesn't known if she is dealing with symptoms of ADD vs anxiety disorder.

About 50% of people diagnosed with ADHD will experience anxiety at some point in their lives. People with ADHD seem to have a higher rate of co-occurring anxiety disorders making it more difficult to diagnose because of the similarities in symptoms. ADHD usually presents itself early on in childhood, while anxiety disorders are more frequently diagnosed in older teens and young adults.

How are ADHD and anxiety disorders similar? How are they different? In order to understand the relationship between the two, we must independently understand each mental health condition.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal condition that causes feelings of worry or fear. The National Institute of Mental Health says everyone experiences anxiety in his or her life. Regular anxiety helps a person wake up on time so they are not late for work and it helps a person stay motivated at their job so they don’t get fired. However, when those reactions of worry and fear become excessive, irrational or out of proportion to the associated event, it can be considered a serious mental health disorder. When the feelings of anxiety are so severe that they disrupt daily function, impede relationships or hurt your health, it can be considered anxiety disorder.

Common symptoms of anxiety disorder

  • Digestive issues
  • Feeling weak and fatigued
  • Dizziness
  • Restlessness
  • Muscle tension
  • Bruxism
  • Headaches
  • Cold sweats
  • Trembling
  • Increased heart rate
  • Difficulty breathing and hyperventilation
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Avoidance of social situations
  • Irritability and feeling on edge
  • Racing thoughts
Infograph comparing mental health diagnosis symptoms of ADD/ADHD and Anxiety.

What is ADD?

Attention deficit disorder is now commonly considered under the umbrella term ADHD, which encompasses all forms of the mental heath disorder. It is a form of neurodivergence and is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder in which a person experiences difficulty with paying attention, gets easily distracted and suffers from a lack of sustained focus. People with ADHD may also find it difficult to finish tasks, they have poor short-term memory, they are forgetful, they have poor listening skills, and they are often impulsive and hyperactive. Symptoms of ADHD often present early on in childhood.

Common symptoms of ADHD

  • Inattentiveness 
  • Forgetfulness
  • Not being able to effectively manage tasks
  • Failing to give close attention to detail
  • Becoming easily sidetracked
  • Hyperactivity and feeling fidgety
  • Always moving around and engaging in constant physical movement
  • Excessive talking
  • Impatient

ADD vs Anxiety Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder

  • Seeks novelty – someone with ADHD is often motivated by new and exciting experiences
  • Someone with ADHD can experience anxiety associated with the struggles of dealing with ADHD
  • Someone with ADHD has difficulty with attention regulation and persistent difficulty focusing on things except when they are highly interested
  • ADHD and ADHD symptoms begin in childhood
  • ADHD symptoms are related to neurological differences in the brain
  • ADHD is categorized by feelings of hyperactivity and inattentiveness
  • ADHD is generally categorized by which main symptoms a person has
  • ADHD is caused by exposure to toxins in utero or genetics
  • ADHD causes difficulty in concentration even when the mind is calm
  • ADHD symptoms include forgetfulness, short attention span, impulsivity and inability to sit still

Anxiety Disorder

  • Excessive worry – someone with anxiety expresses apprehension of new experiences
  • Someone with anxiety has disproportionate fear in comparison to the actual stressor
  • Someone with anxiety experiences attention difficulties because they are preoccupied with thoughts of worry and fear
  • Anxiety symptoms develop more during young adulthood
  • Anxiety symptoms are related to fear and the related triggers of fear and worry
  • Anxiety is categorized by feelings of hopelessness and fear
  • Anxiety disorders come in several forms
  • Anxiety disorder is caused by a combinations of factors such as genetics and environment
  • Anxiety causes difficulty in concentration in situations that trigger fear and anxiety
  • Anxiety symptoms include feelings of dread, feelings of danger, trembling, sweating and rapid heartbeat

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The Similarities between ADD and Anxiety and how they overlap

ADHD and anxiety share similar symptoms that can make it difficult to distinguish from one another. This can also cause issues when trying to properly diagnose a person with either ADHD or anxiety. And in some cases, a person can experience both conditions. The prevalence of co-occurrence is around 25-50%. It can be spotted with overlapping side effects which include experiencing sleep issues, low GABA levels, fatigue, difficulty with concentrating, impaired working memory, intrusive thoughts, high rates of GI issues, muscle tension, irritability and feelings of fight or flight.

Common symptoms that often mistake one condition for another  

  • Inattention. In a person with anxiety, the feelings of excessive worry and fear make it much more difficult to focus because the brain can be singularly focused on fear signals, which distracts from attending to other signals in the brain. In a person with ADHD, it can be difficult for them to regulate feelings of attention. This symptom is often the key to diagnosing ADHD.
  • Difficulty sleeping. Sleep issues are common for those with ADHD. Those who suffer from anxiety also experience insomnia and nightmares, which make it harder to sleep.
  • Intrusive thoughts. Experiencing intrusive thoughts is a common side effect of many types of anxiety disorders. It is also common in those with ADHD.
  • Sympathetic nervous system. Your fight or flight instincts are led by the sympathetic nervous system and the amygdala area of your brain. Those with ADHD spend more time in this activated part of the nervous system and have a harder time getting into the rest and digest part of the nervous system. This is the same experience for people with anxiety disorders. It impacts the brain’s ability to moderate the fear response system and leaves them in a constant state of fight or flight.
  • Difficulty focusing and concentrating. Someone with anxiety may be overwhelmed with anxious thoughts that can impact their executive functions. Difficulty with concentration and functioning is a common symptom of those with ADHD.

Reach out to Hotel California by the Sea

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Treatment for Co-occurring Disorders

Despite being two very different types of mental health disorders, ADHD and anxiety have similar and overlapping symptoms that can make it difficult to properly diagnose each condition. Treatment for those who suffer from ADHD consists of taking prescription stimulant medications like Adderall which can help patients regain focus and decrease impulsivity. Treatment for those who suffer from anxiety disorders consists of taking prescription antidepressants that help ease and calm the mind. Both of these medications act on the central nervous system and if abused or misused, can cause dependence and addiction.

Behavioral health programs such as Hotel California by the Sea provide effective treatments for those who have developed an addiction to prescription stimulants, prescription sedatives and those experiencing co-occurring mental health disorders.

We offer treatment at all levels of care including detox, residential, PHP and IOP. We also utilize evidence-based treatment methods such as CBT, DBT, group therapy and family therapy. Hotel California by the Sea is dedicated to helping clients reach their goals in sobriety and overcoming their addiction.
