Alcohol Rehab in Washington State
- How do I know if I have an Alcohol Use Disorder?
- Leading factors that can contribute to Alcohol Use Disorder
- Consequences of Alcohol Abuse and Addiction
- Alcohol Rehab in Washington State
- Common Misconceptions and Myths about Alcohol Use Disorder
- How the Alcohol Rehab in Seattle helps those struggling with Alcoholism
- Get Help at our Alcohol Rehab in Washington State
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Our alcohol rehab in Washington State provides a wide range of comprehensive treatments for alcoholism. We provide medical detox, residential treatment and outpatient programs catering to the challenges faced in alcohol use disorder treatment.
At Hotel California by the Sea, we help clients overcome their alcohol addiction through connection, compassion and expertise. Our alcohol rehab in Seattle uses evidence-based treatment methods such as CBT, DBT and EMDR therapy. These specialized treatments help clients understand the psychological aspect of their addiction. Treating both the physical and psychological aspect of addiction allow clients a more successful opportunity to recover.
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Alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction is not a new phenomenon. It was first recognized as a disease in the late 1700s. Since then treatments for alcohol use disorder (AUD) have advanced and innovated.
Alcohol use disorder is a chronic mental illness. It is defined by repeated patterns of uncontrolled alcohol consumption despite negative outcomes.
How do I know if I have an Alcohol Use Disorder?
People who suffer from alcohol abuse can exhibit many physical and psychological cues. Excessive alcohol use can result in permanent damage to the brain and body. Some signs and symptoms can appear within 2 hours after alcohol was last consumed. At other times, signs of alcoholism could develop over a longer period of time.
According to a guideline from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) the following questions should be considered when diagnosing alcohol use disorder.
- Have you ever ended up drinking more or longer than intended?
- Do you drink more than you used to in order to feel the desired effects?
- Have you continued drinking despite developing feelings of depression and anxiety?
- Has drinking caused disruptions at work or home?
- Have you ever completely lost track of time, blacked out or unable to recall memories?
- Have you stopped caring about hobbies and activities that were once important?
- Has drinking caused trouble in your personal and professional relationships?
- Have you ever tried to cut down or stopped drinking but were unable to?
Leading factors that can contribute to Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcoholism is one of the most common forms of substance addiction in the United States. Alcohol is a legal substance that can easily be accessed. Because of this, society has continued to have a complex relationship with the substance.
Alcohol addiction can be caused by many contributing factors. Social and cultural influences play an important role in young people and their relationship with alcohol. There are others who are genetically and biologically predisposed to developing alcohol use disorder. And environmental factors such as family dynamics and childhood experiences can greatly influence how likely a person will develop an addiction.
Genetic and Biological Factors
Genetics and biology can contribute significantly to the development of alcohol use disorder. This is an extremely complex concept. In certain cases when you have multiple genes mixing and interacting with each other, it can cause a catalyst for alcohol abuse. Research has shown that there are over 50 known genes that can influence the development of alcoholism.
Alcoholism can be hereditary and genetically inherited. People who possess specific character traits generally associated with alcohol use disorder can pass on the same trait to their offspring. This genetic bias is what causes certain behaviors and psychological traits normally related to the misuse of alcohol.
Psychological and Personality Factors
There are certain types of personalities that are more likely to develop substance use disorders. Those who enjoy being the center of attention or the life of the party are often people who participate in heavy drinking as a social activity. This is usually done as a way of acceptance into desired social groups.
For some people with psychological mental conditions such as depression or anxiety, distressing symptoms can easily lead to the development of alcohol addiction. Oftentimes these people turn to substances such as alcohol as a form of self-medication. It is a way to help them manage distressing feelings stemming from anxiety and other co-occurring mental health disorders. We specialize in dual diagnosis treatment.
Family, Social and Cultural Factors
Family dynamics can play a significant role in the development of alcohol use disorder. Children who have parents that drink can learn this behavior from the parents or other adults around them. When alcohol and drinking are a common occurrence in a child’s environment, it becomes normalized. The child will then associate this with normal adult behavior.
When it comes to social and cultural factors, drinking alcohol has been widely influenced by media and entertainment. It is often glamorized as an acceptable and desired form of social behavior. Drinking can be seen as giving off the appearance of a higher social status.
For young adults, binge drinking is popularized and encouraged. It offers a form of acceptance and at times, social identity. The peer pressure young adults face can lead to dangerous alcoholic binges. This results in both psychological and physical impairments of a young person’s growth and development.
Environmental Factors
A person’s environment can greatly influence their views on alcohol consumption. If a person is constantly surrounded by alcohol or by people drinking, they are more likely to adopt the same habit. Alcohol is a legal substance in which many people can easily gain access.
However, people who are better off financially, have increased opportunities to access alcohol. This makes them more likely to develop heavy alcohol use, which leads to alcohol addiction.
Consequences of Alcohol Abuse and Addiction
Heavy and excessive consumption of alcohol causes psychological and physical consequences. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that slows down basic functions of the mind and body. Physical and cognitive reactions become impaired and can become worse over time.
Alcohol abuse can worsen current mental health conditions you may already be experiencing. It can also contribute to the development of other co-occurring disorders that have appeared because of heavy alcohol use.
The development of serious medical conditions can occur on account of excessive alcoholic binging. Damage to the liver, kidney, and stomach are some of the most common conditions.
Psychological Impact of Alcohol Use Disorder
Heavy alcohol use can have a major impact on the psyche. After long time alcohol misuse, a person begins to develop a higher and higher tolerance for the substance. Over time, alcohol will chemically alter the brain structure making it unable to function normally without alcohol. Some common symptoms include impaired judgment and the failure to recall short-term memories.
Because of the changes in brain structure, alcohol abuse can cause users to engage in risky situations that can result in dangerous consequences. Situations such as impaired driving, a vehicle accident or other dangerous situations involving violence against others or one’s self.
Alcohol addiction can also put a strain on personal and professional relationships. Communication and trust can break down between friends and family due to poor decision-making. Careers and future professional prospects could be put into jeopardy as a result of impaired cognitive behaviors.
Physical Impact of Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcohol use disorder can lead to a wide range of physical damage to the body. Over time, it can affect many aspects of organ function such as the liver, kidney, stomach and heart. Ultimately, alcohol addiction weakens the immune system making a person highly susceptible to diseases and illness.
Long-term alcohol use can cause fatty liver disease and liver cirrhosis. One of the main functions of the kidney is to help expel harmful substances from the body. When too much alcohol is consumed, it makes the kidney work overtime in order to filter out the harmful mind-altering substance.
Alcohol misuse can cause detriment to the stomach lining due to the heavy build-up of acid. This in turn can lead to the development of gastritis and other painful GI symptoms. Cardiovascular symptoms such as increased risk of heart failure, high blood pressure and stroke are dangerous side effects of alcoholism.
Alcohol Rehab in Washington State
At our alcohol rehab in Seattle, Hotel California by the Sea continues to offer uncompromising treatment care. Alcoholism and alcohol use disorder can affect men, women and young adults. Not only does it impact the alcohol user, it also affects their family and the entire community. We provide customizable and impactful treatment methods to help clients overcome their struggles with alcohol.
Our alcohol rehab in Washington State is conveniently located where clients can receive high-quality alcohol use disorder treatment. We offer multiple levels of care that provide varying types of services to assist clients through their recovery journey.
- Alcohol Detox
- Residential Inpatient Treatment
- Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
- Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
- Aftercare planning
Throughout the different levels of care for treatment, clients have access to rigorous therapies such as CBT, DBT and EMDR therapy. Clients can also receive medication management assistance and access to social services. These services are meant to help clients build a solid foundation for success as they move into independent life.
At our alcohol addiction rehab, we believe in a well-rounded approach to treatment. This means addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. We offer unique therapies that target co-occurring mental health conditions.
Many people who have alcohol use disorders also have other mental health disorders. We understand the importance of treating both disorders concurrently in order to achieve the best outcomes in recovery.
Common Misconceptions and Myths about Alcohol Use Disorder
One of the biggest misconceptions about alcohol abuse is that many people believe alcohol is not a drug. A drug is a chemical substance that alters a person’s physiology and psychology when consumed. Alcohol is one of the most commonly used and abused drugs.
Alcohol can also be as addictive as any other mind-altering substance. Because alcohol is a legal substance, it is easily accessible. Alcohol has also been associated with positive social and cultural connotations. Both of these major factors contribute to developing an alcohol use disorder.
Is alcohol actually a drug?
According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a drug is any substance other than food that purposefully affects the structure or function of the body. Alcohol falls under this category and is one of the most addictive drugs in the U.S. Alcohol addiction is a form of drug abuse.
Excessive alcohol consumption can physically and chemically alter the brain structure. This not only affects cognitive functions, but motor skill functions of the body as well. Alcohol slows down activity in the brain and body. It can result in slurred speech, impaired thinking and physical imbalance.
Alcohol isn’t as addictive compared to other drugs
Alcohol is a drug that can produce euphoric sensations that disrupt regular communication between chemicals in the brain. Many people who experience this “high” will continue to drink alcohol in order to obtain this feeling. When the body becomes more tolerant of the drug, the person will need to consume more in order to achieve the same feelings. This leads to a dependence and addiction to the drug.
Young adults are especially prone to becoming addicted to alcohol. Society, culture and media entertainment have long “glamorized” alcohol. Music, movies and TV portray alcohol as a desired social behavior to participate in. And Peer pressure from others also influences young people to drink in order to be accepted in to social groups.
How the Alcohol Rehab in Seattle helps those struggling with Alcoholism
Alcohol addiction is a mental health disease. It is also a difficult disease to overcome. Our treatment centers in Washington State provides a full continuum of care. We are dedicated to helping those who are struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.
The alcohol detox program provides intensive medical care that includes withdrawal management and medication assisted treatment. During this initial step in recovery, clients are very vulnerable to relapse and cravings. Oftentimes, it is one of the most physically uncomfortable aspects of the recovery process.
As clients transition into residential care, they will receive 24/7 support. Medical physicians, therapists, psychiatrists and case managers will be available on-site to assess and guide patients. The alcohol rehab in Washington State has a low client-to-staff ratio to allow clients more individualized attention and support.
Patients will begin intensive alcohol use disorder therapies such as CBT, DBT and EMDR therapy. These treatments are meant to address the emotional stresses patients face during addiction recovery. It is also a successful form of relapse prevention.
The alcohol rehab in Seattle also offers outpatient treatment including PHP and IOP programs. While enrolled in our outpatient programs, patients will continue individual, group and family therapies. They will also have access to unique social services that will be beneficial to helping them navigate independent life.

Get Help at our Alcohol Rehab in Washington State
Recovery takes work, time and support. At Hotel California by the Sea, the alcohol rehab in Seattle provides tools and resources to help clients overcome their addiction to alcohol. Our clinical team understands the difficulties and struggles clients face when recovering from their addiction. We offer a variety of treatment options for drug and alcohol addiction.
We provide rigorous therapies, medication management assistance and access to beneficial skill-building services to all clients. Reach out to us today to learn more about our alcohol addiction treatment program. The alcohol rehab in Washington State is determined to help you build a solid foundation for your recovery.
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