Our commitment to you during the COVID-19 Pandemic
During this national COVID-19 crisis, people across the country will experience increases in depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, and the number of individuals struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol is expected to rise. There are currently 57.8 million people living with substance use disorders or mental health disorders in the United States today. (SAMHSA, National Survey on Drug Use and Health). At Hotel California By The Sea, we are committed to doing everything in our power to decrease those numbers and we have been successful in doing so for our clients since 2014.
In the face of both the addiction and COVID-19 epidemics, our goal is to help more people throughout the country struggling with addiction and mental health issues than we ever have before. To accomplish this goal, we have devoted a significant amount of time, energy, and resources into expanding access to our treatment virtually through telehealth and we remain committed to providing medically necessary detoxification and inpatient treatment services. We are accepting new clients and available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.
Overview of Hotel California By The Sea’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Hotel California by the Sea’s Medical Directors and physicians are vigilantly leading our COVID-19 response and work with our team of licensed healthcare professionals to provide high-quality treatment to our clients using the most up-to-date best practice recommendations and evidence-based guidelines. We are constantly monitoring the evolving COVID-19 health pandemic and implementing updated protocols based on the current guidance provided by the CDC and public health authorities to minimize the health and safety risks to our clients and staff. (Please find a reference list of the COVID-19 guidance that we are using located at the bottom of the page).
- Prior to admission, we conduct a COVID-19 screening over the phone for all potential clients. The completed screening is used by our physicians to determine if the person screened is appropriate for treatment with Hotel California by the Sea. For self-screening purposes, we encourage you to use the COVID-19 self-screening tools developed by the CDC. Apple partnered with the CDC to develop a COVID-19 Screening Tool, which is available for both iPhone and iPad on the Apple App store [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/apple-covid-19/id1504132184] and on Apple’s website: https://www.apple.com/covid19/. Microsoft partnered with the CDC to develop the “Coronavirus Self-Checker” that is designed to help you make decisions about seeking appropriate medical care. You can access this by clicking the COVID-19 “Self-Checker” icon on the CDC’s COVID-19 website. www.CDC.gov/coronavirus.
- The health and safety of our clients and staff is our highest priority. We have implemented the CDC’s guidance and best practice recommendations for hygiene, sanitation, and infection prevention and control, along with additional site-specific guidance recommended by the public health authorities in each State.
- All clients and staff are screened and monitored daily for COVID-19.
- All outpatient treatment and services are now provided virtually with telehealth/telemedicine. Treatment is provided in real-time using audiovisual telecommunication technologies, such as a computer or tablet. This enables our clients to receive the individualized treatment and services from our team of doctors, therapists, and counselors, without having to leave their home.
- For our inpatient treatment and detoxification services, we are still providing this medically necessary care. The hospitals on the frontlines of this crisis treating patients with COVID-19 need our help now more than ever before so hospitals can give as much attention to those with COVID-19 as possible under the circumstances. All staff and clients are screened and monitored around the clock and we observe all best practices for hygiene, sanitation, and infection prevention and control. Nursing staff is on-site 24/7 in our detoxification facilities and our detox physicians directing client care are available around-the-clock for each client’s individual needs.

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) (www.CDC.gov/coronavirus)
Federal COVID-19 Task Force (www.Coronavirus.gov)
Federal Government (www.usa.gov/coronavirus)
California Department of Public Health (www.cdph.ca.gov/covid19)
Washington Department of Health (https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/Coronavirus)
Ohio Department of Health (https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home)
Missouri Department of Health (https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus/)
You can visit your State Health Department’s website for local guidance and information regarding COVID-19 here: https://www.usa.gov/state-health.
World Health Organization (WHO) (https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019)
The Joint Commission (www.jointcommission.org/covid-19)
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) (https://www.asam.org/Quality-Science/covid-19-coronavirus)
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) (www.SAMHSA.gov/coronavirus)
American Psychiatric Association (https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/covid-19-coronavirus)
American Psychiatric Association (https://www.apa.org/practice/programs/dmhi/research-information/pandemics)
American Medical Association (AMA) (https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/covid-19-2019-novel-coronavirus-resource-center-physicians)
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (www.nih.gov/coronavirus)
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The road to recovery is full of uncertainty, leave your worries behind…
Our compassionate staff will answer all of your questions without any pressure. Learn about our evidence-based treatment, the ease of entering our program, and the benefits of getting help from a reputable addiction treatment facility like Hotel California by the Sea.
Every member of our admissions team has been where you are today – be sure to ask them about their journey!