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On a black background a fist surrounded by electrical lights represents the trend of white knuckling sobriety.

What is White Knuckling Sobriety? 

White knuckling. Willpower. These terms are seldom used when referring to substance use disorder treatment. It is often a controversial topic regarding methods and treatments of recovery. Can sheer willpower and personal strength help a person overcome a substance use disorder or alcohol addiction? Can sheer willpower help a person maintain long-term sobriety? There are many different types of recovery methods including 12-step programs, support groups, individual counseling and medication management. White knuckling is another unique approach to addiction and recovery.  

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A row of Benadryl and other allergy medications on a store shelf makes users question is Benadryl addictive?

Is Benadryl Addictive?

Have allergic reactions to something you ate? Take Benadryl. Suddenly break out into hives from being exposed to something you’re allergic to? Take Benadryl. Having difficulty sleeping due to uncomfortable allergy symptoms? Take Benadryl. Benadryl is one of the most popular at-home medications available. Benadryl is an over-the-counter allergy medication.

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A woman with her mouth open ready to be fed a spoon filled with multicolored opioid pills. This photo represents codeine vs hydrocodone.

What is the difference between Codeine vs Hydrocodone?

Opioid prescription pain medications are highly potent and one of the most addictive substances that have led to decades of overdose deaths in the United States. The overprescribing of these drugs along with easy access and availability has contributed to prescription drug abuse and illegal opioid drug abuse. Two of the most popular medications are codeine and hydrocodone. Though they are both opioid medications, codeine and hydrocodone are prescribed to treat different types of pain.

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Various rows and columns of colorful ecstasy tablets lay on a table. The formulation of these tablets bring up the question of how long ecstasy stays in your system.

How long does Ecstasy stay in your system? How long do the effects last?

Ecstasy, more commonly referred to as molly, is a popular party drug. The club drug is wildly popular among young people and young adults. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in 2021, an estimated 2.2 million people reported using ecstasy. Ecstasy or 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), is an illicit stimulant, psychedelic and synthetically produced drug.

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A virtual image of the human brain is next to a large glass of alcoholic beer and wine represents the effect of wet brain.

What is Wet Brain?

Alcohol use disorder is a common mental health condition characterized by the unhealthy use of alcohol despite repeated patterns of negative consequences. A dangerous illness that often develops due to alcohol use disorder is wet brain. Wet brain, also known by its scientific name Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS). The degenerative brain disorder is a combination of two different brain diseases: Wernicke Encephalopathy and Korsakoff Psychosis. Although anyone can develop wet brain, it is most commonly occurring in those who abuse alcohol.

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A group of friends in their mid 20s party with drinks in hand. The drinks may contain alcohol or a the substance called lean.

What is Lean? How long does Lean stay in your system?

Purple drank. Sizzurp. Texas tea. Dirty sprite. Purple tonic. The most commonly known name is lean. Lean is a liquid substance mixture of codeine-based cough syrup, an antihistamine such as Promethazine, soda and hard candy for added sweetness. In some cases, alcohol is also added to the mixture. The combination of prescription-strength cough medication and an antihistamine can produce feelings of euphoria and intense relaxation. It is most popular among teens and young people and can become highly habit-forming within a short period of time and lead to addiction.

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On a wooden table, there is spilled over bottle of klonopin pills next to a glass of alcohol representing the side effects of klonopin and alcohol use.

What can happen when you mix Klonopin and Alcohol?

Klonopin is a popular prescription benzodiazepine drug in the US. It is used to treat generalized anxiety disorders, panic disorders and seizure disorders. Those who are on Klonopin are also known to abuse other substances such as alcohol. Both are central nervous system depressants and work to slow down activity in the brain and body. The combination of Klonopin and alcohol can heighten the effects of both substances and cause an unsafe level of respiratory depression and decreased heart rate. Both of those side effects can lead to overdose and death.

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Four students, 2 girls and 2 boys, hanging out on school grounds smoking and considering the benefits of quitting weed.

What are the Benefits of quitting Weed?

Marijuana. Cannabis. Weed. This psychotropic substance is one of the most commonly abused mind-altering drugs among young people ages 18-25. According to a 2021 report from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an estimated 11 million young adults reported using marijuana. With long-term use, weed can begin to cause severe psychological and physical damage to the brain. It can easily become an addictive substance. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports an estimated 30% of people who consume marijuana develop an addiction. What happens when you quit marijuana? What are the benefits of quitting weed?

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On a black background, a spoon filled with white powder cocaine mixed with heroin lays next to an empty syringe shows what is a speedball.

What is a Speedball?

What happens when you mix a powerful stimulant drug with a powerful depressant drug? Speedballing. Powerballing. Snowballing. Screwball. Spaceball. Dynamite. All these different slang names represent a dangerous type of polysubstance drug use most commonly referred to as speedballing. It involves using s stimulant and depressant drug. Cocaine and heroin are the most popular and commonly combined drugs in speedballing. Both drugs are highly addictive and when taken together can cause intense and dangerous side effects.

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A young man in opioid addiction treatment receiving injection of either Sublocade or Vivitrol by a female clinician.

Drug Comparison: Sublocade vs Vivitrol

Opioid use disorder has become a growing epidemic in the US for decades. Two common forms of medication treatment include Sublocade and Vivitrol. According to the American Society of Addiction Medication and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, both drugs are effective for long-term medication management of opioid use disorder. Both drugs are administered as injections after detox and withdrawal during the maintenance phase of treatment to help lessen opioid cravings. What is Sublocade and Vivitrol? What is the difference between Sublocade vs Vivitrol?

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