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What is IOP?

In a behavioral health setting, outpatient programming offers a mixture of rigorous therapeutic treatments and unique social services. The transition back into a daily routine outside of a safe, structured and controlled environment can be daunting and difficult. Exposure to potentially triggering emotions and events can lead people back into old habits associated with drug and alcohol abuse. Outpatient treatment programs help people during their transition into life away from mind-altering substances.

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Black Out Drinking

With the rise in alcohol abuse due to the pandemic, alcohol-induced blackouts or black out drinking has also increased. In fact, drinking until the point of blacking out has become increasingly popular. This alarming trend has become especially widespread among college students and young adults. 

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AI Addiction Therapy is changing the Behavioral Health System

Artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technology may make substance addiction treatment easier, more accessible and more effective. Do you need help keeping track of your medications? There is an app for that. Do you need assistance finding a local recovery support group? There is an app for that. With the advancements in AI and machine learning, digital programs are now being created to revolutionize the behavioral health care system.

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​​What are Alcohol Delirium Tremens?

Heavy alcohol abuse can often lead to severe withdrawal. One of the most severe forms of alcohol withdrawal is called alcohol withdrawal delirium, also known as delirium tremens (DTS). In 1813, DTS was officially recognized as a disorder attributed to excessive alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction. Alcohol use disorder is a chronic disease caused by excessive consumption of alcohol despite the repeated negative consequences as a result of drinking. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and slows down brain activity, which also slows down physical bodily functions.

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How to Recover from Edibles?

Since the legalization of recreational marijuana in many states, some people are turning to edibles as their preferred form of ingesting THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a chemical compound within the cannabis plant that produces a psychoactive effect in the brain. Giving users the pleasurable sensation of feeling “high.” Edibles are food or drink products that are infused with THC.

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