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Fentanyl: Understanding the Drug and Fentanyl Withdrawal Timelines

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that has caused widespread concern in recent years due to its potency and the severe consequences associated with its use. As one of the most potent opioids available, fentanyl has a significant impact on the body when abused. Fentanyl is most frequently encountered in various illicit forms, including pills, powders, or patches.

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A tipped over pill bottle on a wooden table with green and white pills spilled out. It represents Restoril vs Ambien, both drugs to treat insomnia.

Restoril vs Ambien

Anxiety, depression and insomnia are some of the most common conditions disrupting mental health for many people across the U.S. Evidenced proven treatments for co-occurring mental health conditions include both medication and intensive therapy treatments. Two of the most commonly prescribed medications for treating sleep conditions such as insomnia include Restoril (brand name Temazepam) and Ambien (generic name Zolpidem). Both medications work by slowing down brain activity, allowing the body and brain to relax and induce a sense of calm and relaxation to help users sleep.

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On a pale green background, a profile view of a young woman is surrounded by words describing symptoms of Ketamine overdose.

Ketamine Overdose

Ketamine is a drug that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and is becoming increasingly popular among young people. According to the Department of Justice’s National Drug Intelligence Center, in 2000, people ages 12-25 accounted for an estimated 74% of ketamine ER visits in the U.S. Data from a 2013 study by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, reported an estimated 2.3 million people ages 12 and older used ketamine. Since then, usage has only continued to grow. Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that can make users feel a sense of detachment from reality and themselves. It produces hallucinogenic effects that distort the perception of sight and sound.

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A white bottle of colorful barbiturate pills is spilled out on a light blue background represents the difference between barbiturate vs benzos.

Barbiturates vs Benzos

Both barbiturates and benzodiazepines are central nervous system depressants and are often prescribed to treat symptoms of anxiety and sleep disorders. In 2019, an estimated 2.1 million barbiturates and 52 million benzodiazepines were prescribed in the U.S. They belong to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. Despite being from a pharmacy and from the recommendation of a medical physician, these substances have the potential to become intensely habit-forming and can lead to dependence and addiction. Today benzodiazepines have become more commonly prescribed and used. But what are barbiturates and how do they compare with benzodiazepines?

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A young male adult laying on his bed in a state of depression wondering if Lexapro is addictive.

Is Lexapro Addictive?

Mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression affect an estimated 20% of the U.S. population. It is one of the most common medical conditions affecting people across the nation. When it comes to treating depression, anxiety and other common mental health conditions, there are many options for treatments and medications. Lexapro is a prescription medication often recommended to help treat symptoms of depression, major depressive disorder, anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder. Similar to other prescription medications that can alter normal brain activity, Lexapro has the ability to become an addictive substance.

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Two hands together holding magic mushrooms and contemplates the question, are shrooms addictive?

Are Shrooms Addictive?

Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as shrooms or magic mushrooms, fall under the category of naturally occurring fungi that contain psychoactive compounds. In other words, when taken, these mushrooms cause a hallucinogenic effect that changes the perception, thoughts and mood of the person. The usage of psilocybin mushrooms has been controversial on many accounts. Because it is a natural substance, many believe its usage to be safe. Despite the claims of being a less dangerous drug, it is considered a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substance Act. Meaning it has a high potential for abuse and there is currently no accepted medical use for the substance. Are mushrooms addictive?

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On a purple background, an orange bottle of orange flexeril tablets is spilled over representing the question is flexeril addictive?

Is Flexeril Addictive?

Can a muscle relaxant pain reliever become an addictive substance? Is Flexeril addictive? Flexeril is the brand name medication for cyclobenzaprine, which is a prescription muscle relaxer that helps control muscle spasms. It is often prescribed to help treat short-term pain and discomfort of muscle injuries including muscle strain, sprains, and spasms. Flexeril affects the central nervous system and blocks out any sensations of pain. It prevents the pain and nerve signals from reaching your brain and producing a sense of calm and relaxation. With these types of effects, it can easily become addictive in which a person will continue to misuse the medication in order to achieve a sense of mild euphoria and sedation.

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A white and orange disposable wax pen on a white background contains honey colored liquid cannabis.

What is a disposable Wax Pen?

Marijuana use has only continued to grow since the legalization of recreational use in many states across the nation. Recreational and medical marijuana is legal in 19 states and the District of Colombia. The more normalized it has become, the ways in which we ingest the substance have also evolved and become more creative. There are now many ways to use marijuana. One popular way is through marijuana wax or weed wax. Weed wax is a concentrated form of marijuana that contains about 90% Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). One hit of the concentrated substance can cause intense euphoric effects.

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A white and purple box of gabapentin capsules on a white table represents those who question, can I take Xanax with gabapentin?

Can I take Xanax with Gabapentin?

Gabapentin is an FDA-approved medication under a class of substances called anticonvulsants. It is often prescribed to treat seizures (from epilepsy), nerve pain or damage (from shingles or diabetes) and restless leg syndrome. Although not considered a narcotic or controlled substance in the eyes of the federal government, some states have begun classifying Gabapentin as a Schedule V Controlled Substance due to its high potential for abuse. Abuse and addiction increase when Gabapentin is used in conjunction with other mind-altering substances such as Xanax and Suboxone.

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