Addiction Family Program in Bellevue, Washington
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When your loved one is suffering from an addiction, you may experience a great deal of hurt, confusion, and resentment against your family member. This is completely normal.
However, a person’s family and peer group play an essential role in their recovery from addiction to drugs or alcohol. At Hotel California by the Sea, Bellevue, we focus on healing not only our clients, but also their support system.
At its core, drug addiction refers to an unhealthy relationship or attachment that a person develops to a substance. Breaking the connection between a person and their substance of choice and restoring their connection to family members is a pivotal part of their treatment plan at Hotel California by the Sea, Bellevue.
However, this complex attachment style to drugs and alcohol often forms before someone ever touches a drug or a drink. Since addiction is rooted in unhealthy attachments, it is vital to treat the individual’s closest relationships long after they achieve abstinence from mind-altering drugs.
What is Hotel California by The Sea’s Family Program?
Our monthly educational program for families uses multiple strategies to help them recover from their loved one’s addiction and, oftentimes, brings insight and healing to families’ experiences.
The first and most important aspect of the Monthly Family Program is designed to educate you on the disease model of addiction and how this is also expressed at a family disease model.
It can be very difficult to understand the addictive behaviors of denial and manipulation that have turned someone you love into a stranger. The science behind addiction will reveal changes in the brain that have occurred in your loved one on a molecular level.
In HCBTS’s Family Program, we also focus on the importance of setting boundaries with our loved ones, how to set boundaries, and changing dynamics previously ingrained within a family. In many cases of addiction, a long-term pattern of enabling behaviors perpetuate use.
Working on boundaries and family dynamics can help protect loved ones from further hurt and can also aid in relapse prevention for your loved one. Most importantly, we will help you find resources and coping skills for your own path towards healing.
Family Program Highlights:
- Once a month meet-up for families and patients with a structured curriculum.
- Led by clinical addiction professionals at HCBTS.
- Learn about the disease model of addiction.
- Learn about the biological changes that take place in an addicted brain.
- Set boundaries with yourself and your loved one.
- Receive support from other family members.
- Recreate family dynamics.
Change always begins within, and with the necessary support, someone recovering from substance abuse can develop a healthy and secure connection with themselves that will reflect out towards the rest of their relationships.
From group processing, education on the family disease model, psychodramas, speakers, and dynamic workshops, Hotel California By the Sea’s Monthly Family Program marks an unforgettable time of transformation and healing.
Hotel California by the Sea’s addiction recovery center uses a multidisciplinary treatment team of marriage and family therapists, interventionists, drug and alcohol counselors, and doctorate-level clinicians to treat substance use disorders and mental illnesses.
Whether treating one individual or an entire family unit, a diverse clinical background is necessary to maximize treatment success. At HCBTS, we believe that family intervention is just as necessary as individual therapy. Our multidimensional family therapy model employs techniques with emphasis on relationships at a cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and environmental level.
You Deserve Healing Too!
For months or years, your life may have revolved around your loved one’s addiction and focused on their struggles and demands.
If your loved one is your child, this may be even more of the case as you feel the great duty and responsibilities of parenthood. You have most likely spent many years cleaning up after their messes, paying for their rehab stays, bailing them out of jail, covering for school or job absences – the list goes on.

You may have gone to great lengths to help your family member to no avail, even at the expense of your own job, financial situation, social life, or overall mental health.
If you have a friend or a family member struggling from addiction, you have been a first-hand witness to one of the most powerful, elusive, and complex diseases. No person emerges from the grips of addiction unscathed – especially not those who care about an addict or alcoholic. You deserve healing, too.
At Hotel California By the Sea, our family program gives you the opportunity to focus on your own recovery while supporting your loved one.

Healing Codependency and Setting Healthy Boundaries
Your loved one’s addiction is not your fault or your responsibility. Each family member is responsible for their own healing and when each individual accepts personal accountability, a family system can flourish.
The Family Program at HCBTS will help you to set healthy boundaries not only for your own well-being, but also for the benefit of your loved one. This will help you by protecting yourself from the endless consequences of their addiction that you have accepted as your own. This will help your loved one by offering loving support, while not enabling their toxic behaviors.
You might think back to past situations where you “saved” your loved one in hopes that they would get help or fear that they wouldn’t make it without you. But in the end, you realize you have accepted their consequences so they wouldn’t have to, leading them to continue to use without necessary repercussions for their actions.
Belonging and Acceptance
Addiction is a disease of isolation, loneliness, and separation that occurs long before the use of drugs and alcohol. This inherent feeling of loneliness tends to grow exponentially as the addiction progresses. Most addicts find their only sense of belonging in their drug community or while under the influence and when the substance is taken away their entire lifestyle is removed as well. During this transition, it is vital for the individual to identify a healthy support network of people who offer positive motivation for recovery.

Unfortunately, by the time addicts get to treatment they have likely burned many bridges or cut ties with most people that would provide healthy encouragement. This is why the integration of family therapy in substance abuse treatment programming is a powerful tool. The combination of family therapy and Monthly Family Programming at HCBTS offers a genuine sense of support to a client while also bringing families to awareness of their own needs in their relationship with their loved one in recovery.

Breaking Familial Patterns
Across many cultures and belief systems, family is identified as the primary source for connection, identification, recognition, and love. This leaves individuals within a family unit the most vulnerable and sensitive to the actions of their family members. Unfortunately, family diseases such as addiction, abuse, trauma, and other mental health illnesses have the potential to absolutely destroy the entire family unit.
Not only is there a genetic predisposition to addiction and mental illness, but the emotional experiences leave families susceptible to carry that on to future generations. However, with integrative family therapy, you can obtain the education and coping skills to stop perpetuating the vicious family cycle of trauma and heal future generations to come!
The Carefrontation Program
A specialized approach to the family program at Hotel California by the Sea involves the Carefrontation method. World-renowned interventionists, Scott and Jenny Graham, add an in-depth communication tool to convey key concerns you have for your loved one, effectively communicate how their using has affected you, and ensure that your voice is heard.

Using the Carefrontation method, versus “confrontation”, allows for the family to treat the substance abuser with respect and love, while also holding them accountable for their actions. The model also identifies the first and most important step in intervention; the substance abuser must admit they have a problem and from this place it is their responsibility to take charge in treating their addiction and healing their side of the family dysfunction.
Family Program Schedule
Hotel California by the Sea’s Family Program here in Bellevue, Washington is held on the first Friday of every month. Whether your loved one is residential treatment, intensive outpatient, or just outpatient treatment, you are welcome to attend this program as many times as you would like.
In fact, our therapists and counselors strongly encourage families to attend this family weekend as many times as possible. On many occasions, your presence provides support to your immediate family and the other families that may be newer to family programming. Your experience can be used to help other families that were once where you are! We assure you, every month you will uncover another layer of healing, clarity, and support here at Hotel California by the Sea.

Request a Call
The road to recovery is full of uncertainty, leave your worries behind…
Our compassionate staff will answer all of your questions without any pressure. Learn about our evidence-based drug addiction treatment and rehab, the ease of entering our program, and the benefits of getting help from a reputable addiction treatment facility like Hotel California by the Sea.
Every member of our admissions team has been where you are today – be sure to ask them about their journey!